Ambivalent sexism and bonding mother as predictors of interpersonal cognitive distortions




Relationships of a person are influenced by cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects. Cognitive distortions are affected by both personal history and the social norms. The present study aims to focus on ambivalent sexism and bonding to mother that may affect interpersonal cognitive distortions. Then, the relationship between ambivalent sexism, bonding to mother and interpersonal cognitive distortions are investigated. Method: Study group was consisted of 349 university students. The results showed that there was a positive significant relationship between interpersonal cognitive distortions and ambivalent sexism. Also, a negative significant relationship between cognitive distortions and bonding to mother was observed. Regression analysis showed that hostile sexism, bonding to the mother- over protective sub-dimension, benevolent sexism and bonding to the mother- care/control sub-dimension predicted interpersonal cognitive distortions. The results indicate that interpersonal cognitive distortion is affected by bonding to the mother as a significant variable in person’s history and sexism as an imposed social norm. As a result, in order to decrease interpersonal cognitive distortions, preventive studies on sexism may be crucial in the education process and mental health services.


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How to Cite

Bozkur, B., & Gündoğdu, M. (2018). Ambivalent sexism and bonding mother as predictors of interpersonal cognitive distortions. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 8(4), 665–680.