Opinions of pre-school teachers and pre-service teachers on values education in the pre-school period: The case of Konya province
This study, which was carried out to determine the opinions of pre-school teachers and pre-service teachers on values education in the pre-school period, is a qualitative study. The case study design was used in the study. The study group of the research consists of 60 pre-school teachers working at independent kindergartens and nursery classes affiliated to Konya Provincial Directorate of National Education and 60 pre-service teachers studying at Necmettin Erbakan University, Department of Pre-School Education. The data in the study were collected using the “Personal Information Form” and the semi-structured interview form that consists of open-ended questions. In research results, the main factor affecting values education in the pre-school period is “family” according to the common opinions of teachers and pre-service teachers. The values that pre-school children must acquire in the family are “respect”and “love”. The values that pre-school children must acquire at pre-school education institutions are “helpfulness” and “empathy”. The type of activity used for introducing values in pre-school education is “play activity”. The values education given to pre-school children supports “social-emotional development”area. The teachers and the pre-service teachers expressed the benefit that values education given in the pre-school period provides to children in their future lives as “being a good person”. The reason for giving values education at pre-school education institutions is to “prepare the children for their future roles”.
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