The psychometric properties of the Wechsler-4 standard for Deaf people with Mild Intellectual Disability


  • Samer Mohammad Abu Drei Department of Special Education, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia.



Deaf, Wechsler Intelligence Scale, WISC-IV, Multiple Disabilities, Intellectual Disability.


This study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of the Wechsler-4 Intelligence Scale who are deaf with Mild Intellectual Disability. Descriptive survey method was used. The sample included (174) deaf students in Jordan, ranging in age from (6-16.11) years. The scale was also applied in sign language. Validity indicators were found which were Content Validity (80%), Construct Validity (1.939- 0.489), Concurrent Validity with Goodenough- Harris Drawing Test (0.688) and Achievement (0.887), and the correlation coefficients ranged between subtests and the total score of the scale Between (0.487 - 0.898). Also, the significance of Reliability scale was the Test Re-test method (0.866), the arbitrator's agreement (78.2%), and the half-way method for individual questions (0.76), the marital questions (0.75), and the correlation coefficient between odd and even paragraphs (0.868). The results showed that the level of total intelligence was (IQ = 62.54). And the existence of differences in the level of arithmetic average intelligence (Verbal Comprehension Index, VCI) = (62.02), (Perceptual Reasoning Index, PRI) = (66.63), (Working Memory Index, WMI) = (74.50), and (Processing Speed ​​Index, PSI) = (82.68), and Full-Scale IQ (FSIQ) = (62.54).And the presence of statistically significant differences in the level of Intelligence (WMI and PSI) in favor of females. There were no differences in IQ, attributable to the variable degree of hearing impairment for each of the tests (VCI, PRI, WMI, PSI, and FSIQ). The study recommends related to the understanding of sign language of deaf Mild Intellectual Disability.


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How to Cite

Abu Drei, S. M. . (2023). The psychometric properties of the Wechsler-4 standard for Deaf people with Mild Intellectual Disability. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 13(3), 9–24.


