Effectiveness of Edutainment Module Based on Local Excellence of Pantai Utara Indonesia Reviewed from Students’ Concept Understanding


  • Savitri Wanabuliandari
  • Sekar Dwi Ardianti




effectiveness, module, ethno-edutainment, Concept Understanding


The purpose of this study was to analyze edutainment modules based on local excellence in Pantai Utara of Indonesia in terms of students' conceptual comprehension abilities. The edutainment module based on local excellence on Pantai Utara of Indonesia was developed with the Borg and Gall models developed. The development phase of the ethno-edutain module adds preliminary studios, product development and validation, and product trial trials. In testing the product, a large-scale trial was conducted. The effectiveness test was carried out on a large-scale trial with research subjects of fourth grade students at SD IT Umar Bin Khattab. The effectiveness of the ethno-edutainment module was accepted using test techniques. Based on N-gain trials Increased pretest and posttest scores of students produced 8 students increased in the high category, 21 students increased in the moderate category, and 3 students increased in the low category.


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How to Cite

Wanabuliandari, S., & Ardianti, S. D. (2023). Effectiveness of Edutainment Module Based on Local Excellence of Pantai Utara Indonesia Reviewed from Students’ Concept Understanding. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 13(3), 41–46. https://doi.org/10.47750/pegegog.13.03.05


