Analysis of Student Generic Skills in terms of Scientific Literacy Aspects through Research-Based Learning Methods
Generic skills, Scientific literacy, Research-based learningAbstract
Generic skills are fundamental skills needed to complete a job or project that can be grown when students go through the learning process. This study aims to analyze and identify students' general skills in terms of scientific literacy through research-based learning methods in the Science Application course. The research uses a quantitative survey type, with a cluster random sampling technique on students taking the Science Application course. Data were obtained through a questionnaire to reveal students' generic skills individually and a questionnaire sheet was used to determine student responses to the research-based learning method. In learning the Science Application course using research-based learning methods, the indicators of observed generic skills are direct observation, indirect observation, awareness scale, symbolic language, logical framework, logical consistency, causal law, modeling, logical inference, and abstraction. The highest score on the logical inference indicator is 82%, while the logistic consistency indicator gets the lowest percentage of 72%. Students gave a positive response to the learning of research-based learning methods with a percentage of 85%. Students have a new, fun learning experience, and their generic skills are formed so that it has a positive impact on improving the quality of learning.
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