The Effectiveness of the Think-Pair-Project-Share (TP2S) Learning Model in Facilitating Collaborative Skills of Prospective Teachers in Elementary Schools
think pair project share, learning model, collaborative skills, elementary schoolAbstract
This study aims to test the effectiveness of the think-pair-project-share (TP2S) learning model in facilitating collaborative skills. This quantitative study employed a static group comparison design. The design of this study used two classes given different treatments but still in the same cluster. The population in this study was sixth-semester college students, while the research sample was taken by random sampling. The technique of collecting data on collaboration skills used a post-test instrument in the form of a self-assessment questionnaire. Self-assessment questionnaires were given to students in the form of a questionnaire reflecting indicators of collaboration skills. Before being used in the study, the instrument was tested for validity and reliability utilizing SPSS software data computing. Then, the analysis test of collaboration skills was carried out using the t-test. Before the t-test, the data for students' collaboration skills were previously tested for prerequisites in the form of data normality and data homogeneity tests. The t-test results uncovered that the collaboration skills between the experimental and control classes were not the same. There was a significant difference between the experimental and the control classes. By looking at the mean value of collaboration skills in the experimental class (7.1), which was higher than in the control class (6.640), it can be concluded that the collaboration skills of students in the experimental class were better than those in the control class.
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