The importance of honing elementary school students' mathematical talents from an early age




Phenomenology, Elementary School, Mathematics Talent


Mathematical talent becomes a supporting competency in achieving student goals, especially in mathematics achievement. This relates to the potential competencies possessed by students which can be detected, guided, honed, and assessed to sharpen these potential competencies. This research is phenomenology research that raises about what kind of experiences teachers experience in the process of habituation of sharpening students' mathematical talents, especially fifth graders. 11 participants were selected using a purposive sampling technique with certain criteria. Eleven teachers agreed to be interviewed virtually using Zoom-Meeting. Data analysis using the Bodgan and Biklen model went through several important stages which included data collection, data reduction stage, verification stage, decision-making stage in the form of conclusions, and the essence of the experiences experienced by the teacher. The results of the study show that the experience of teachers in getting used to honing students' mathematical talents is still not appropriate and optimal. Detection of mathematical talent is limited to the selection of students with the highest test scores. Assessment and evaluation are carried out only based on the completion of the Olympic questions given by the teacher. Therefore, there is a need for further research related to detecting mathematical aptitude correctly and how a valid assessment model is needed and adapted to the cognitive level of elementary school students.


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How to Cite

Rachmaningtyas, N. A., Kartowagiran, B., & Sugiman, S. (2023). The importance of honing elementary school students’ mathematical talents from an early age. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 13(3), 57–66.


