The Effect of Self-Leadership and Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurship Creativity: An Empirical Study on Online Business Students
Self-Leadership, Self-Efficacy, Entrepreneurship CreativityAbstract
This study aims to analyze the influence of Self-Leadership, Self-Efficacy on students' entrepreneurship creativity using digital-based applications in managing online businesses. The population of this research is all students of Makassar State University who are online business entrepreneurs. Sampling was done by survey method. The sampling technique in this study used probability sampling with Simple Random Sampling as many as 152 people. This research uses a quantitative approach with the type of explanatory research, using data collection techniques, namely questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tools. The results show that entrepreneurship creativity of the students is largely determined by their Self-Leadership in the form of Self-talk or self-verbalizations, mental imagery and belief and Self-Efficacy in the form of their belief on their own ability to complete work according to targets by utilizing digital technology maximally to manage his business; facing obstacles and difficulties, and completing work that has a wide or narrow range by utilizing digital technology. Leadership and Self-Efficacy in fostering creativity in creating new businesses and it is necessary to further examine other factors that influence student creativity in managing online-based businesses or businesses.
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