The Effect of Mathematical Intelligence Stick Media on the Summation Skills of Students with Intellectual Disability
mathematical intelligence stick, summation, children with intellectual disabilityAbstract
Children with intellectual disabilities face obstacles in their numeracy skills development. Stick intelligence is a learning media that is aimed to help these children enhance their numeracy skills. Therefore, this study aims to identify (1) the numeracy skills of students with intellectual disabilities before using the mathematical intelligence sticks, (2) the numeracy skills of students with intellectual disabilities after using the mathematical intelligence sticks, and (3) the effects of mathematical intelligence stick media in enhancing the numeracy skills of fourth-grade students with intellectual disability in State Elementary School for Exceptional Children 4 Batu, Indonesia. This experimental study used single-subject research (SSR) approach with an A-B-A design. The data were obtained by asking the students to complete the summation operation, and the results were analyzed using percentages. The analysis results showed that (1) the initial mean level of the numeracy skills of the children with intellectual disabilities was 52.2; (2) the mean level of the numeracy skills of the children with an intellectual disability after the treatment was 82.3; and (3) mathematical intelligence sticks carry effects on the numeracy skills of the children with intellectual disability. Therefore, an increase in summation skills of the students with intellectual disabilities is attained after they use the mathematical intelligence stick.
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