Students’ Perceptions and Attitudes toward Learning Based on Learning Management System: A Future Recommendation on Blended Learning Design
Perception, Attitudes, Learning Management SystemAbstract
The current research seeks to analyze university students’ perceptions and attitudes of LMS-based learning. This research is a descriptive study with 607 students of State Islamic University of Mataram as the research subjects. A 36-item questionnaire was administered to capture their perceptions and attitudes. The results of the questionnaire indicated that 80.02% of students have a good perception on the usability of LMS, 76.03% of students have positively perceived learning design, 80.36% of students report a good perception of material content, 73.50% of students have a positive perception of language and communication, 68.29 % of students have a good perception of interactions with instructors and 75.40% of students have a good perception of interactions with peer students. In terms of attitudes, 6.43% of students have very good attitudes, 23.39% are in good category, 40.03% of them are in fair category, and 24.22% and 5.93% of them belong to poor and very poor category consecutively. Furthermore, based on the distribution of student perceptions on the application of LMS-based learning, blended learning should be applied with the following approach: moderator role is needed in discussions or forums among the students and the lecturers actively present in LMS-based learning either to provide explanations to students or lead them to be actively involved in the LMS. A future recommendation on blended learning design is pivotal with the following approach: moderator role is required in the discussion among students where lecturers actively provide explanations to students or guide them to be active in the LMS.
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