Examining the effects of creative drama onteacher efficacy belief, critical thinking disposition, emphatic tendency and reflective thinking tendency
creative drama, critical thinking disposition, emphatic tendency, reflective thinking tendency, teacher efficacy beliefAbstract
The current study aimed to examine the effects of creative drama on preservice teachers’ teacher efficacy beliefs, critical thinking disposition, emphatic tendency and reflective thinking tendency. The present study was designed based on explanatory sequential mixed design research method. The preservice teachers participated in 8-week creative drama training. In the quantitative part of the study, one group pre-test-post-test experimental research design as one of the weak experimental designs, was used in order to examine the effects of creative drama on these variables. 42 preservice teachers were selected by convenience sampling strategy was conducted to Teacher Efficacy Belief Scale, Critical Thinking Disposition Scale, Emphatic Tendency Scale and Reflective Thinking Tendency Scale. The quantitative data were analyzed by applying paired samples t-test analysis. In the qualitative part of the study, the case study was used in order to investigate the effects of creative drama on the variables in detail. 42 preservice teachers were conducted semi-structured interviews in order to detail the quantitative findings. Their views about the effects of creative drama training on the explained variables were analyzed and reported. The qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interview form prepared by the researchers and analyzed by content analysis technique. To conclude, the perservice teachers’ teacher efficacy belief, critical thinking disposition, emphatic tendency and reflective thinking tendency improved through creative drama training. The qualitative data collected through semi-structured interviews confirmed the quantitative findings and provided evidences for their development on these variables with the help of creative drama.
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