Developing the Nature of Science (NOS) Test Using Covid-19 Theme


  • Mobinta Kusuma Universitas Pancasakti Tegal
  • Purwo Susongko Universitas Pancasakti Tegal
  • Chockchai Yuenyong
  • Yuni Arfiani



NOS, Test, Covid 19, Rasch model


This study aims to develop NOS measurement instrument for high school students in the Mathematics and Natural Sciences program using Covid19 cases that had occurred since the end of 2019. This study also attempts to validate test items with the Rasch model approach. The participants in this study are 194 high school students from the Mathematics and Natural Sciences program. Test participants consist of 132 female students and 62 male students. Their age range is 18-21 years old. NOS measurement instrument is presented in multiple choice form, which consists of 16 questions with narration or readings about Covid-19. Data analysis is conducted by dividing the validity into three types, those are content aspect validity, psychometric aspect validity, and construct validity using Rasch model. Content validity is conducted with an assessment involving three experts related to the test material and measured scientific literacy achievement. Psychometric aspects validity involves three psychometricians associated with the construction of the test. Meanwhile, for construct validity, which refers to the concept of construct validity of Messick. The results shows that there are 8 of 16 items in the NOS measurement that occupies all aspects of validity. Regarding to content of construct validity, there are two items do not appropriate with the model, while with substantive validity 94.4% of the test are consistent with the used Rasch model. Regarding to external aspect of construct validity shows that the test instrument can differentiate test participants into two categories, each of which has high and low NOS abilities.


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How to Cite

Mobinta Kusuma, Purwo Susongko, Chockchai Yuenyong, & Yuni Arfiani. (2024). Developing the Nature of Science (NOS) Test Using Covid-19 Theme. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 14(2), 57–66.


