The Use Of Instagram Media Is Integrated With The Inquiry Learning Model To Improve Critical Thinking Skills And Student Learning Motivation In The Matter Of Reaction Rates


  • Hayuni Retno Widarti
  • Deni Ainur Rokhim Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Afis Baghiz Syafruddin
  • Ilviana Ilviana



learning motivation, critical thinking, reaction rate, inquiry, Instagram


The aim of this study was to see the effect of using the Instagram media-integrated inquiry learning model in increasing learning motivation and students' critical thinking skills in the matter of reaction rates. This research is a Quasi Experimental Design type. Population consist of class XI MIPA students of SMAN 1 Turen. Sampling used the Simple Random Sampling technique and it was found that there were 32 students in class XI MIPA 4 as the sample for the class of experimental and for class XI MIPA 5 with 32 students as the sample for the class of control. Data analysis used qualitative and quantitative descriptive tests with independent sample-t tests and N-Gain. Qualitative analysis showed an increase in learning motivation in the class of experimental (74%) higher than the class of control (64%). Statistical analysis showed that there were significant differences in students' critical thinking skills with sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05. The N-Gain test showed an increase in the critical thinking skills of the class of experimental (0.82) higher than the class of control (0.72). The results of this analysis indicate that the inquiry learning model integrated with Instagram media is able to increase learning motivation and students' critical thinking skills in the material of reaction rate


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How to Cite

Widarti, H. R., Rokhim, D. A., Syafruddin, A. B., & Ilviana, I. (2024). The Use Of Instagram Media Is Integrated With The Inquiry Learning Model To Improve Critical Thinking Skills And Student Learning Motivation In The Matter Of Reaction Rates. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 14(2), 146–151.


