Student Perspectives About the Flipped Classroom Model That Used to Improve Civic Literacy


  • Maulidyanawati Aqmarina Ma'ruufah Sebelas Maret University



flipped classroom, civic literacy, student perspective


Strengthening civic literacy needs to be done because this can help individuals become more critical, active, and responsible citizens. Strong civic literacy can help a person understand his rights and obligations as a citizen, as well as how to participate in political and governmental processes. It can also help individuals make informed decisions and contribute to building a healthy and just society. Strong civic literacy can also help people control the government and guarantee their human rights. The flipped classroom model is being used in this study to improve students' civic literacy. In order to improve civic literacy and learn about students' opinions of the teaching method, this study intends to investigate how teachers use flipped classrooms. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method, with interview data collection techniques; observation; and documentation studies. Teachers and students in grade V elementary school were the subjects of this study. The findings show that the teacher used the flipped classroom model to implement four important phases of civic education learning. All stages and activities of the flipped classroom model were well accepted by the students. Students described the flipped classroom as a fun learning model that motivates them to learn more actively and independently, increases learning interest, and piques their curiosity about reading so that they become more knowledgeable about civic literacy.


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How to Cite

Maulidyanawati Aqmarina Ma’ruufah. (2024). Student Perspectives About the Flipped Classroom Model That Used to Improve Civic Literacy. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 14(2), 275–280.