Teacher abuse, school burnout and school attachment as predictors of adolescents’ risky behaviors
Adolescents, Risky behaviors, Teacher abuse, School burnout, School attachmentAbstract
The aim of this study is to determine the predictive level of teacher abuse, school burnout and school attachment for risky behaviors in adolescents, and to examine risky behaviors according to some demographic variables. Relational survey model was employed in the study. The study group consisted of 446 adolescents with an average age of 15.49 years studying in secondary schools. Personal information form, Risky Behaviors Scale, Teacher Emotional Abuse Scale, School Burnout Scale and School Attachment Scale for Adolescents were used to obtain demographic information about students. As for data analysis, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient Analysis, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Independent Samples t-Test and One-Way Variance Analysis were employed. As a result, it was found that teacher abuse and school burnout predicted adolescents’ risky behaviors in a positively significant direction whereas school attachment predicted adolescents’ risky behaviors in a negatively significant direction. It was revealed that the score averages taken from the total and sub-dimensions of risky behaviors differed significantly according to gender, grade level, academic average, perceived socioeconomic level and family structure variables. In addition, it was determined that suicidal tendencies did not differ based on gender, academic average and class level; antisocial behaviors and school dropout did not significantly differ according to the grade level.
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