A systematic review of energy literacy programs at primary and middle schools
energy literacy, program, primary school, middle schoolAbstract
Energy literacy is high on the agenda in the education sector, including in the contexts of primary and middle schools. It has the purpose of building awareness of wise energy use. A systematic review of various energy literacy studies in the period 2010–2021 was conducted to explore study trend, research methods, and adapted energy literacy programs. Data were sourced from Taylor & Francis and ERIC databases. Using the PRISMA search method, 26 relevant articles were obtained out of 152 articles. The search results were analyzed using the NVivo application for description. The synthesized result is that energy literacy programs were carried out in a comprehensive, integrated manner in instructions at schools, at home, and within communities, involving all stakeholders. The programs were able to inspire a change in behavior toward energy saving through habituation in learning activities. Educational institutions are expected to develop awareness of environmental sustainability. It is recommended that future research develop energy literacy programs based on cultural and religious values—given that these values bear relevance to the lives of the learners—in instructions at schools, at home, and within communities.
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