Improving Students' Critical Thinking Skills through an Ethnomathematically Controversial Problem-Based Multimodal Approach
Digital Mathematics Learning, Multimodal Approach, Controversial Issues, Balinese Cultural Mathematics, Critical Thinking SkillAbstract
Learning mathematics through digitalization is predicted to improve students' learning styles and build critical thinking skills. The controversial problem-based multimodal approach with ethnomathematics is capable of improving those skills. However, there is no empirical evidence that the combination of that approach and ethnomathematics (Balinese culture) in digital learning can improve students' critical thinking skills. This study aims to comprehend the impact of digital learning with a controversial problem-based multimodal approach, incorporating Meru and Jejaitan Bali ethnomathematics on students' critical thinking skills. Quasi-experimental research uses a randomized complete block design applied to measure students' initial abilities, namely students with low, medium, and high initial abilities. The population consists of 202 grade IX students, with 48 in the experimental group and 52 in the control group. The ANOVA test results demonstrated that using this approach was effective in improving students' critical thinking skills. According to the t-test results, students in the experimental group had significantly higher critical thinking skills than students in the control group. Tukey's test shows that critical thinking ability varies depending on the student's beginning ability. In conclusion, this combination is effective in improving students' critical thinking skills, especially on the topic of geometry.
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