The Needs Analysis in Developing Trig-GO App For Trigonometry Learning: A Qualitative Approach





Development, applications, trigonometry, need analysis,, mathematics


Abstract - The rapid development in the world of technology and communication has contributed directly to the teaching and learning process. Therefore, a paradigm shift towards learning methods in the education system needs to be implemented to meet the educational aims of the 21st century. Therefore, this study aims to develop Trig-GO apps for mathematics in secondary schools by focusing on the topic of trigonometry. The development process of this   application is guided by the model of Dick, Carey and Carey. The results of the development of the application prototype were evaluated through qualitative methods. The data was obtained from five experienced teachers and six students via observations, interviews and document analysis. Therefore, the results of the analysis showed that the Trig-GO   application prototype developed need improvement. Thus, this also will give impact to the quality and production of the application prototype. The development of this prototype application is intended to assist teachers in teaching  trigonometry through a digital approach.


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How to Cite

HAMZAH, N. (2023). The Needs Analysis in Developing Trig-GO App For Trigonometry Learning: A Qualitative Approach. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 13(3), 125–135.


