Vocational Students' Learning Experience during the Covid Pandemic
Learning Experience, Covid-19 Pandemic, Vocational School StudentsAbstract
An intriguing research topic is uncovering student learning experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic. This article assists us in discovering and investigating how to adapt new habits or learning activities in Vocational Schools in the event of a Covid-19 pandemic. The research method uses narrative inquiry. In obtaining data from participants, they used interviews with semi-structured techniques to obtain information about their background, experiences during learning during the Covid pandemic and adaptability. Five questions guided our investigation into the learning experiences of vocational students in Central Java during the Covid-19 pandemic. The learning experience of secondary vocational students in Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic uses learning technology facilities that are relatively simple, affordable for students and easy to implement by students. In the learning process, students can adapt to the new learning environment by discussing, collaborating with friends, teachers, and parents. Learning strategies, students strive to find good internet access, providing quotas in order to get smooth learning. Students are motivated in learning, one of the factors is the support of friends, teachers, parents both materially and morally. This study provides an opportunity for all students, teachers, writers, and readers to make references and contribute to the advancement of learning.
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