Student’s Thinking Process in Solving Proportions Based on Information Processing Theory
Thinking process, proportion, problem solving, information processing theoryAbstract
This study aims to examine the thinking process of junior high school students in solving the problem of proportion and inverse comparison based on information processing theory. This study uses a qualitative approach to examine the thinking processes of junior high school students in solving the problem of proportion and inverse proportion based on information processing theory. The research subjects were 26 seventh grade students. Subjects were asked to solve the problem of direct proportion and inverse proportion. Subjects who are able to solve problems based on the characteristics of thinking will be invited for interviews. Interviews were conducted to collect additional data about students' thinking processes. The results showed that 12 students answered question number 1 correctly and 14 answered question number 1 incorrectly. In addition, 10 students answered question number 2 correctly and 16 students answered the question incorrectly. These results indicate that students understand the problem using either multiplication, division, multiplication, or multiple concepts. The findings also show that some students use direct proportion to solve the inverse proportion problem.
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