Factors of Shaping PCK Self-efficacy for Pre-service Physics Teachers Throughout Microteaching Course
PCK, Pre-service teacher, Self-efficacyAbstract
An excellent teacher who can integrate pedagogical and content knowledge, which we usually know as Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). The quality of teachers in teaching can be predicted through their teaching self-efficacy or PCK self-efficacy. Therefore, teacher education institutions must also pay attention to PCK self-efficacy. One activity for shaping pre-service teachers' excellence in teacher education institutions is through microteaching courses. During microteaching activities, we learned that mastery of knowledge and teaching practices could increase PCK self-efficacy. Still, there is a decrease in PCK self-efficacy after self-reflection activities. Thus, we researched how these factors can increase or decrease their PCK self-efficacy. This study collected data by interviewing 17 of 51 pre-service teachers with significant self-efficacy changes. The interview data was processed by giving codes; then, the codes were summarized to be used as conclusions. It was obtained that mastery of knowledge related to PCK makes them feel ready to teach. This readiness makes PCK self-efficacy increase. Positive reactions and feedback from lecturers and peers also increase the PCK self-efficacy of pre-service teachers as validation that teaching abilities are indeed good. The increase in PCK self-efficacy after teaching practice activities was allegedly caused by the “reality shock” experienced. The decrease in self-efficacy is related to their metacognitive ability to realize that their teaching ability is still lacking. Therefore, we recommend further research on metacognition’s role in pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy.
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