Media Leaflets Based on the RADEC Model and the TPACK Approach: Effectiveness on Student Basic Literacy Skills
Leaflet media, RADEC, TPACK, basic literacy skillsAbstract
Low basic literacy is a problem for students in Indonesia, especially students of the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program at the University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri. This study aims to solve this problem by examining the effectiveness of leaflet media based on the RADEC model and the TPACK approach. This research approach uses a quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. Besides testing the effectiveness of leaflet media, this study also analyzed the practicality of the media when used by students. The results of the independent t-test it is known that there is a significant difference in the value of students' basic literacy abilities in the experimental group and the control group. From the analysis it is known that the experimental group has an N-gain index score of 0.71, meaning that it is included in the "high" N-gain classification or can be interpreted as "quite effective". Based in this study also it is known that the practicality of Leaflet media based on the RADEC model and the TPACK approach obtained a score of 88% and it can be said that it is very practical for students in the experimental group. From these results it can be the basis that leaflet media based on the RADEC model and the TPACK approach are effective for students' basic literacy skills and can be used as a reference for further research.
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