Discovery Learning Model Integrated RQA to Improve Critical Thinking Skills, Metacognitive Skills and Problem-Solving Through Science Material for Junior High School Students
Critical Thinking, Discovery Learning, Metacognitive, Problem Solving, RQAAbstract
Abstract: Education should meet life's challenges in the 21st century, namely critical thinking skills, metacognitive skills, and problem-solving. The facts that have occurred have yet to be shown as expected; this can be seen from the PISA 2018, which recorded unsatisfactory results from these three aspects. This study aims to improve these three skills by developing an RQA-integrated discovery research model. The non-equivalent post-test-only control group design was used in this study—hypothesis testing using Manova analysis. The results of the study report that the discovery learning model integrated with the RQA model significantly influences critical thinking skills, metacognitive skills, and student problem-solving skills through science learning at the junior high school level. Students are given broad opportunities to develop their skills in managing, analyzing, and summarizing the problems they face to improve critical thinking, metacognitive, and problem-solving skills. This study result can be used as a reference for developing student skills by modifying the learning model.
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