The Comprehension of Deaf Students on Solid Geometry Concept through Blended Learning: Case study
Blended Learning, Geometry, Deaf, Conceptual KnowledgeAbstract
This study aimed to find out the comprehension of deaf students on solid geometry concept through blended learning. This case study used mix method with a pre-experimental design. The subjects of this study were deaf XI-graders in SMALBN across Bali and mathematics teachers. The study instruments were observation, interviews, and tests. The test used was valid with a reliability coefficient of 0.87 to then the results were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis. The results showed that the conceptual knowledge of students before the implementation of the blended learning model was 50% or did not meet the passing grade. However, after implementing the blended learning model the total number of students met the passing grade was 75%. The increase in the number of students meeting the passing grade did not show significant differences.
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