Validity and Reliability Study of Parental Anxiety Scale Regarding Distance Education





Distance education, parent, anxiety


With the COVID-19 pandemic, schools around the world closed their doors in March 2020 and switched to distance learning in response to this public health crisis. This has changed parents' expectations, roles and responsibilities regarding their children's teaching and learning process. In this context, understanding parents' concerns about distance education is important in developing recommendations for similar situations. This article presents some of the results of an online survey exploring parental anxiety regarding distance education. As a result of the analyses, a scale with 23 items and 3 sub-dimensions was created. As a result of the factor analysis, these sub-dimensions were named as; Academic success, health, and socialization". Looking at the analysis results obtained, it can be said that the scale can be used to measure parental anxiety regarding distance education. Due to this importance, more comprehensive research should be done to find solutions to parental anxiety about distance education. It is thought that the development of the scale by other researchers and the conduct of qualitative research on this subject will contribute to reducing parental anxiety about distance education.   It shows that there is a need to develop recommendations that will provide support to parents and children when the teaching and learning process takes place in an online environment.


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How to Cite

Keleş, O. (2024). Validity and Reliability Study of Parental Anxiety Scale Regarding Distance Education. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 14(4), 30–37.