Prospective Foreign Language Teachers: Interactive Whiteboards Within the Context of Micro-Learning


  • İrfan Tosuncuoglu Karabuk University



prospective teachers, foreign language, interactive whiteboard, micro-learning


The growth in the amount of data and access to information together with developing technology, has led to changes in the needs of individuals and society as a whole. The development of teacher knowledge is very important in educational field. Based on this necessity, the opinions of candidate foreign language teachers on the use of the interactive whiteboard within the context of micro-learning, have emerged as the hotspot of this research. This research study has a quantitative feature based on survey methods. The total participant number is 101 candidate (prospective) foreign language teachers. The participants are senior-year learners of  the English  Language and Literature Department at the Faculty of Letters in Karabük University- Türkiye, who undertook pedagogical training in the 2023-2024 AY, Autumn term. A 5-point Likert type questionnaire was distributed among the students and the statistical analyses of the survey were performed using the IBM-SPSS Statistics, Version 23·0 program.


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How to Cite

Tosuncuoglu, İrfan. (2024). Prospective Foreign Language Teachers: Interactive Whiteboards Within the Context of Micro-Learning. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 14(4), 116–124.