Turkish Validity and Reliability Study of The Nature Connectedness Parental Self-Efficacy Scale


  • Emine Arslan Kılıçoğlu KTO Karatay Üniversitesi
  • Canan Keleş Ertürk




Nature,, Nature Attachment,, Parent, Self-efficacy, Social Learning.


In this study, it was aimed to adapt the "Nature Connectedness Parental Self-Efficacy Scale Nature Connectedness Parental  Self-Efficacy Scale" into Turkish and to conduct a validity and reliability study. For this purpose, a scale adaptation study was designed using the survey model. In the study, the scale developed by Barnes, Harvey, Holland & Wall (2021) and translated into Turkish as the "Nature Connectedness Parental Self-Efficacy Scale" was used. The scale consists of four subscales: "Access to Nature, Communicating about Nature, Overcoming Personal Barriers, and Overcoming Situational Barriers". The scale, whose original form consists of 22 Likert-type items, was applied in England. The study group consisted of 370 volunteer parents. Within the scope of the analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), descriptive statistics related to scale factor environments, Pearson correlation analysis to determine the relationship between scale factors, and Cronbach Alpha coefficient to determine the reliability level of scale factors were used. As a result of the study, it was determined that the Turkish version of the "Commitment to Nature Parental Self-Efficacy Scale" is valid and reliable. 


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How to Cite

Arslan Kılıçoğlu, E., & Keleş Ertürk, C. (2024). Turkish Validity and Reliability Study of The Nature Connectedness Parental Self-Efficacy Scale: . Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 14(4), 9–18. https://doi.org/10.47750/pegegog.14.04.02