The Relationship Between Taking Initiative Through Work Engagement and Uncertainty Management: A Moderated Mediation Model of Career Planning
Uncertainty, Management, Career, Planning, Work, Engagement, Initiative, Moderated Mediation EffectAbstract
This research aims to determine the moderated mediation effect of career planning in the indirect relationship between taking personal initiative through work engagement and uncertainty management. For the research to be generalized to the universe, some educational managers close to the maximum sampling was been reached. For this purpose, since the education managers working in the central districts in the province of Mersin show a homogeneous distribution, it was decided how many education managers should be selected by dividing them into clusters. After this decision, schools were converted into sampling units by a simple random sampling method, and education managers were reached face-to-face. Ready-made measurement tools were used in the research. For this reason, the goodness of fit values and reliability coefficients of each of the measurement tools used have been calculated. A significant relationship between taking initiative, integration with work, career planning, and uncertainty management was found throughout the research. According to education managers, work engagement mediates the relationship between initiative-taking and uncertainty management. The level of relationship between work engagement and uncertainty management is also increasing in education managers who can make career planning decently. In addition, there is a moderated mediation effect of career planning in the indirect relationship between taking initiative mediated by work engagement and uncertainty management. In other words, an education manager with career planning can also be successful in taking initiative and managing uncertainty through work engagement.
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