Examining the Effect of Humourous Activities on The Humour Development of Preschool Children
humour development, humour, early childhood, humour in childrenAbstract
Humour has an important place in children's social and emotional development. In this study, it was aimed to determine the humour features of 36-72 months old children according to age. Data on children were collected from 296 parents, including 242 mothers and 54 fathers with children aged 36-72 months, who could be reached by the easily accessible sampling method. In the collection of data, a questionnaire form that is created for the development of humour and provided scope validity with expert opinions was used. The data obtained from the form, which includes expressions for humour production, humour transfer, humour enjoyment, participation in humour and humour preference, were examined according to the age of the children. In the analysis of the data, correlation analysis with percentage and frequency distribution was used. As a result, it was determined that children's humour transfer, humour production, humour enjoyment, participation in humour and humour preferences differed according to age. In general, it has been found that as the age of children increases, the development of humour increases. Suggestions have been developed by emphasizing the importance of supporting the development of humour in children from an early age.
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