Turkish Language Teachers' Formative Assessment Competencies and Barriers for Formative Assessment: A Mixed-Methods Study





Formative assessment, Turkish language teacher, teacher competency, mixed method research


This mixed method study aims to examine Turkish language teachers' formative assessment competencies and to identify the barriers affecting these competencies. Designed according to a sequential explanatory design, 76 Turkish langauge teachers participated in the questionnaire in the first phase of the study and 7 Turkish language teachers participated in the semi-structured interview in the second phase of the study. Quantitative findings showed that teachers were not at the desired level in the dimensions of formative assessment including assessment competence, time allocated to language skills and feedback. The qualitative findings revealed four themes that are considered barriers to formative assessment including teaching environment and conditions, students, teachers, and family-community. The results indicate that there is a need to improve teacher competencies in formative assessment, to allocate separate class hours to language skills development processes, to expand national policies, and to reduce the negative effects of the test-oriented examination system.


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How to Cite

Kansızoğlu, N., Kansızoğlu, H. B., & Karataş, F. Özgür. (2024). Turkish Language Teachers’ Formative Assessment Competencies and Barriers for Formative Assessment: A Mixed-Methods Study. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 14(4), 457–473. https://doi.org/10.47750/pegegog.14.04.44