An Exploratory Probe of Burnout Syndrome in the Special Education Profession
burnout syndrome, educator, profession, sociological probeAbstract
The promotion of mental health, not only in teaching staff, is one of the new issues of great contemporary relevance. The present text presents findings on an aspect of burnout syndrome, specifically in the position of special educators.
As part of the research strategy, a qualitative research technique was used, specifically the interview tool. The structure of the interview was prepared in advance and based on the areas that lead to answering the research objective. The goal of the research probe was to find out and describe the aspects that affect the psychological and physical aspects of special educators. And further, do special educators have a predisposition to burnout within their helping profession. Within the group of respondents, it was a targeted selection of people, specifically 15 special educators who have professional experience, but the primary core of the selection was general experience with burnout syndrome. Working with children with special educational needs and inclusive tendencies is all the more difficult because it requires constant intensive contact, individual approach, engagement and maximum involvement of special educators. Very often, however, the right feedback does not appear, in the form of achieved learning results, and the effort to pass on one's knowledge, skills and values does not meet with the response it needs. This is one of the main reasons why burnout occurs more often in special education teachers than in other occupations.
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