Determining the misunderstandings of Physics And Science teacher candidates about the events related to the buoyancy force




Physics education, science education, students' misunderstandings in physics, computer simulations, buoyancy force, Misconceptions


The purpose of the study is to explore how pre-service teachers perceive buoyancy force affecting an object in a liquid and identify their misunderstandings and misconceptions. Pre-service teachers were interviewed to reveal their understandings of an object' floating, suspending and sinking in a liquid. In addition, they were asked about how an object-given its features- moved when it is provided with an external force and when it is released. The so-called circumstances were questioned in a different planet context. For this aim, focused group interview method was used. Work-group of the research was formed with senior year physics teaching department students and senior year sciencs teaching department students studying at two different university in Turkey. Seven focused groups were formed and video recorded during the interval. Each focused group comprised of six pre-service teachers. It was found out pre-service teachers have common misunderstanding and misconceptions. In this study, unlike similar studies, it was determined that pre-service teachers had misunderstandings about the movement that a floating object would take after it was sunk and released, and they also had some misunderstandings when the buoyancy force events were repeated on a planet with a different gravitational acceleration . 


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Author Biographies

Ersin Bozkurt, Necmettin Erbakan University, Physics Education, associate professor

Department of Physics Education

Fatih Serdar Yıldırım, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Education- associate professor

Department of Science Education


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How to Cite

Bozkurt, E., & Yıldırım, F. S. (2022). Determining the misunderstandings of Physics And Science teacher candidates about the events related to the buoyancy force. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 12(1), 222–231.


