An investigation of the main characteristics of science teachers in elementary schools who have digital pedagogical skills
21st century teachers, 21st century learning, digital pedagogy, Elementary SchoolAbstract
The development of information and communication technology in learning has implications for 21st century teachers who are smart and skilled according to the needs of students in primary schools. This literature study aims to explain digital pedagogy as characteristics of 21st century teachers for teaching and learning in elementary schools. Articles reviewed in the form of journals were obtained from the Sciencedirect, Sage, Scopus, and Proquest databases. This literature review study classifies the characteristics of 21st century teachers in primary schools based on the domain of planning, teaching material development, and teaching methods that are in accordance with the learning needs of the 21st century in primary schools. The 21st century teacher for learning in primary school is characterized by a role as facilitator for students to learn actively through managing technology as a medium and learning resource in the digital era. Recommendations for further researchers may explore the characteristics of 21st century primary school teachers in the assessment domain. In addition, in practical terms, the recommendations for this study are on developing teacher competence in elementary schools as a transformation towards digital pedagogy.
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