Analysis on Disaster Education Urgency of Improving Preparedness at Elementary Schools in Disaster Prone Areas


  • Zela Septikasari Yogyakarta State University
  • Adi Atmoko
  • Insih Wilujeng



Urgency, Disaster Education, Elementary Schools, Disaster Prone, Safe Schools, Preparedness


This research was conducted to analyze the urgency of disaster education in increasing preparedness in elementary schools in disaster-prone areas based on the three pillars of the Disaster Safe Education Unit (SPAB) Program, namely pillar 1. safe school facilities, pillar 2. disaster risk management in schools, and pillar 3. disaster prevention and risk reduction education. This research is a quantitative study using a questionnaire filled out online on the Google form. The research respondents were 264 elementary school teachers in Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Statistical methods were used to test the validity and reliability of the data. The results showed that 86% of schools had not implemented disaster education. The urgency level of Pillar 1 is higher than Pillar 2 and Pillar 3 which is indicated by a mean value of 2, 99 and a standard deviation of 1.312. The urgency of Pillar 2 is higher than Pillar 3. The first order of urgency in Pillars 1, 2, 3 is compliance with Building Safety Standards (SLF), formation of a Disaster Preparedness Team, and Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction in Elementary Schools. Implementation of disaster education in elementary schools will increase school preparedness if implementing pillars 1,2,3 in a sustainable manner. Pillars 1,2,3 are very important in developing student, teacher and school community preparedness. Multistakeholder cooperation in the implementation of disaster education can also be carried out so that disaster education can be carried out optimally and increase school preparedness.


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How to Cite

Septikasari, Z., Adi Atmoko, & Insih Wilujeng. (2024). Analysis on Disaster Education Urgency of Improving Preparedness at Elementary Schools in Disaster Prone Areas. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 14(4), 315–324.