Education Model of Wise-Consumption for Elementary School
Wise Consumption, Elementary School, DBRAbstract
Wise consumption can be defined as behavior in making use of all economic goods sparingly and not excessively. Wise consumption behavior is an implication of all activities including the action reflecting behavior that aims to prosper the future. This research aims to describe and formulate an education model of wise consumption for elementary school-age children. Furthermore, this research use DBR (Design-Based Research) model. DBR is a methodology that is designed by and for educators and has the purpose to increase the impact, transfer, and translation of educational research into better practice. In addition, DBR has to produce a deep understanding of both design and theory. The subject of this research is elementary school students in Blitar Regency, Indonesia, which amounted to 225 children, with a description; of 50 students as small group trials, and 175 students as field trials. The research findings show that 90% of students have been by what is expected, and for the effective ability of the students; they can behave wisely in consumption. Behaviors that reflect wise consumption are; 1) ability to sort priority scale, 2) ability to be economical, 3) ability to differentiate between need and desire and 4) productive behavior.
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