Teacher’s Perspective on Diagnostic Assessment Process in the Midst of Covid-19
Assessment diagnostic, Elementary School, Teachers' PerspectivesAbstract
Diagnostic assessment is an assessment process that aims to diagnose students' abilities and make learning improvements during the pandemic. The study aims to explore how the assessment process during a pandemic, an overview of the diagnostic assessment process, and feedback on the results of diagnosis assessment. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach using a phenomenological research design. This approach is considered appropriate to achieve phenomenal research objectives. The research subjects were 13 district and city elementary school teachers in the province of West Java. The instruments used have been validated by experts and made improvements according to expert recommendations. Data was collected using (Focus Group Discussion) FGDs and online learning observations. FGDs were conducted online with 13 teachers, and observations were made on five online learning processes. Data analysis using the Bogdan & Blinken model was carried out with the stages of data reduction, presenting data, making conclusions, and verifying results. The study results indicate an imbalance in implementing the assessment between schools in districts and cities regarding the availability of digital media. The challenges for teachers are coordination with parents and the difficulty of developing diagnostic assessment instruments. Furthermore, the diagnostic assessment has not provided good feedback for students because the diagnostic assessment has not been planned and structured. Future research is expected to discuss and develop diagnostic assessment instruments to assist teachers in conducting online diagnostic assessments during the pandemic.
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