Brain-Based Learning-Reading, Mind Mapping, and Sharing (BBLRMS) Model to Enhance Creative Thinking Skills of Pre-Service Biology Teachers




animal physiology, BBLRMS, pre-service biology teachers, creative thinking skills


Higher education in the 21st Century must equip students with various skills, including creative thinking skills. This study was intended to investigate the effect of Brain-Based Learning-Reading, Mind Mapping, and Sharing (BBLRMS) on the creative thinking skills of pre-service Biology teachers at Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah in Palembang, Indonesia. A non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design was employed in this study. The study participants were all students enrolled in the Animal Physiology course in the odd semester of 2021/2022. The sample was chosen at random. Seventy-five students were assigned into an experimental group, a positive control group, and a negative control group. The experimental class was instructed using the BBLRMS model, the positive control class was instructed using the Brain-Based Learning (BBL) model, and the negative control class was instructed using the conventional learning model. An essay test was used to obtain research data on the participants’ creative thinking skills. The test answers of participants were graded using a rubric and then analyzed using ANCOVA. The analysis revealed that (1) there were disparities in the creative thinking skills of students whose learning was facilitated by the BBLRMS, BBL, and conventional models; (2) the creative thinking skills of students taught by BBLRMS were superior to those taught by BBL and conventional models. Based on the findings of this study, it can be stated the BBLRMS model can enhance the creative thinking skills of pre-service Biology teachers at Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah in Palembang, Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Susriyati Mahanal, Nita Nuraini, Herawati Susilo, & Sulisetijono. (2023). Brain-Based Learning-Reading, Mind Mapping, and Sharing (BBLRMS) Model to Enhance Creative Thinking Skills of Pre-Service Biology Teachers. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 13(3), 191–202.


