Improvement of Student with Intellectual Disability Practice Grasping Skills with a Combination of Fine Motor Games


  • Ediyanto Ediyanto Department of Special education, Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Tata Jatiningsiwi
  • Abdul Huda
  • Suhendri Suhendri



children with intellectual disability, fine motor, grasping ability


Intellectual disability causes inhibition of motor skills development, both fine and gross motor skills. The ability to grip is one of the fine motor skills whose growth is hampered. Lack of grasping ability causes students to be unable to carry out activities, such as cutting, writing, and other daily activities. Even though these activities are needed by all children, including intellectual disability children. Using game learning media, a combination of fine motor skills can train the grasping ability of intellectual disability students. Based on this, the purpose of this study is to determine whether there is an increase in students' fine motor skills, especially grasping, using a combination of fine motor games. The research method uses a Single Subject Research Design. Data collection was carried out in two series with an A-B-A research design. The sample used is one student with mild intellectual disability in grade IV in Special School in Malang Regency who has a poor grasping ability. The results showed that the fine motor skills of holding intellectual disability students increased by 89% using a combination of fine motor game media. From the study results, it can know that there is a significant increase in students' fine motor skills when using a combination of fine motor games. Using a variety of fine motor game media also makes students look excited, motivated, and willing to talk, and when given instructions, they do it right away.


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How to Cite

Ediyanto, E., Jatiningsiwi, T., Huda, A., & Suhendri, S. (2024). Improvement of Student with Intellectual Disability Practice Grasping Skills with a Combination of Fine Motor Games. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 14(4), 331–338.