The Effect of Students' Distance Education Self-Efficacy Beliefs on Their Readiness for Online Learning and Their Academic Life Satisfaction
Distance Education, Self-Efficacy, , Readiness, , Academic Life SatisfactionAbstract
This study aimed to determine the effect of higher education students' distance education self-efficacy beliefs on their readiness for online learning and academic life satisfaction. In addition to this purpose of the study, it was also aimed at determining the effect of higher education students' readiness for online learning on their academic life satisfaction. A relational screening model was used in this quantitative study. The population of the study consisted of 18,157 students enrolled in the spring semester of 2022-2023 at Kafkas University in the east of the Republic of Turkiye. The sample of the study consisted of 621 students. Data collection tools used in this study were the "Distance Education Self-Efficacy Beliefs Scale," the "Online Learning Readiness Scale," and the "Academic Life Satisfaction Scale." Since the data met the assumptions of parametric analysis, parametric analysis techniques were used. Based on the results of the study, it was determined that students' distance education self-efficacy beliefs and readiness for online learning were high, while their academic life satisfaction was moderate. Moreover, it was determined that distance education self-efficacy beliefs had an effect of 91% on readiness for online learning and 75% on academic life satisfaction. Another result of the study is that the level of readiness for online learning has an effect of 69% on academic life satisfaction.
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