Effectiveness of Management to Improve Madrasa Quality
education Management, school qualityAbstract
Purposeful and systematic governance is indispensable in advancing educational institutions. This study aims to find an effective management format for improving the quality of educational institutions. The method in this study was to use qualitative-phenomenological, with three research locations in the middle madrasa. Data collection through interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis techniques go through the stages of data collection, data reduction, and data presentation, and the last step is concluding. Data validity is carried out through data validity techniques. Research findings showed that the implementation of effective management begins with establishing a madrasa quality improvement program. Furthermore, the program is organized through the placement of personnel and work structures, and program implementation by establishing a program implementation strategy. The latter step is to supervise the madrasa improvement program. Keywords: Effectiveness, Management, quality improvement, Madrasa quality
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