Improving prosocial behavior through virtual media based on religious values in elementary school students
prosocial behavior, virtual media, religious valuesAbstract
The addition of positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in mid-2021 in Indonesia showed an increase. One of these problems occurs because of the low prosocial behavior of individuals. Prosocial behavior is important for every individual from an early age. This behavior can teach each individual to be able, share, cooperate, be generous, help and practice honesty. To improve prosocial behavior in elementary school students, researchers provide treatment through virtual media based on religious values. This study uses a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group design model. Respondents in this study amounted to 24 respondents consisting of 2 groups, namely the control group 14 respondents, and the experimental group 14 respondents. Measuring the level of students' prosocial behavior using a prosocial behavior scale instrument consisting of 15 items. The results of the study show that virtual media based on religious values have a positive impact in increasing the prosocial behavior of elementary school students
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