Treating verbal bullying among students between cognitive behavioral counseling and group counseling with discussion
Forgiveness, Counseling, School, Bullying, Cognitive-BehaviorAbstract
Although verbal bullying has no impact on physical health, it hurts mental health. The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of cognitive behavior counseling with reframing and group counseling with discussion techniques on students who are victims of verbal bullying. This research method is an experimental study with 80 high school students as subjects, 40 students are the experimental group (cognitive behavior counseling with reframing), and 40 students are the control group (group counseling with discussion). This study showed that the experimental group was superior in helping students do forgiveness than the control group. The involvement of cognitive-behavior elements in counseling has proven to help evoke forgiveness in students who are victims of verbal bullying. This research is then used as a reference for handling victims of verbal bullying effectively with forgiveness in cognitive-behavior counseling.
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